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Do you know who your ancestors are?

Need help with record research, finding an ancestor or building your family tree?  Let Thornhill Genealogy help you with your project.  We have more than 10 years’ experience in researching and documenting family histories.  Located on Long Island we specialize in New York City as well as Nassau and Suffolk Counties but can continue research where ever the trail leads.

Our services range from locating a single document to providing a detailed family tree.   Do you just want to research one ancestor or do you want to research your entire ancestry?  No project is too big or too small.  Contact us for a consultation.

Research projects will include a detailed report of any findings.  You will also receive copies of all supporting documents and their source information, family group sheets and pedigree charts.  A CD with electronic copies of everything will also be included so you can share your families’ history.

Thornhill Genealogy 631.398.4547